Monday, 22 December 2008

750,000 British Homes Are Empty

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said there were about 762,635 properties in the UK not being used, while there were 1.6m families on council house waiting lists. The group said the homes could be filled, if the state took the right steps. But little has been done to support those without a home, the RICS said. Click here for more...

Friday, 19 December 2008

Littlehampton and Angmering sites earmarked for thousands of new homes

CRUNCH decisions on where thousands of new homes should be built in Arun are set to be made in the new year.

Littlehampton and Angmering are among the areas where major new housing development could take place, with one of the three options revealed this week including 1,500 homes for both communities. Click here for more...

Eco-town champion admits programme is likely to fail

Here is some Christmas cheer for you - One of the cheerleaders of Gordon Brown’s eco-towns programme has admitted that it is likely to fail because the government had “made such a screw-up it will disappear”.

David Lock is chairman of masterplanner David Lock Associates, which is involved in two of the schemes, and a former chairman of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), which has been advising the government on the programme. He said it was hard to see how any schemes could get planning permission before the next election, and that if the Conservatives win, they would scrap the schemes. Click here for more...

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Credit crunch crazy

A senior county councillor has attacked the continuing plans for a Ford eco-town as 'credit crunch craziness'. Cllr Derek Whittington said the growing concerns about a recession made the government's desire to carry on with the 5,000 home idea as much out of time as it was out of place.

He described the scheme as ill thought-out. "We have advised the government of our concerns over the suitability of Ford as a strategic development location. click here for more...

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Letter form John Mills


With reference to the letter in the West Sussex Gazette December 3rd entitled “Consider eco-town ideas for the sake of all” by messrs Dixon, Hall and Penfold, co-authors of the Ford Enterprise Hub (FEH) I wish to be given the opportunity to take issue with the comments made.

A. They state that one of our local MP,s is “attempting to push development into locations already identified as undesirable” (Their words not mine). This in itself I refute, but are not Dixon, Hall and Penfold doing exactly that . Is it not the very same site and same developers who are now promoting the eco-town at Ford, and in which they, the FEH are now in partnership with, tried to build on in 2000/2001 but was considered “undesirable” and therefore rightly refused by the Local Planning Authority.

B. For the threesome to say that community is being turned against community is to stir up ill feeling in the local area. The only ill feeling I have against Aldingbourne and I’m sure I speak for others is a certain three individuals, namely Dixon, Hall and Penfold.

C. They infer that residents in favour of a new settlement are being prevented from speaking freely. Have not the developers/promoters held their very own road shows giving those in favour a prime opportunity to voice their support for an eco-town at Ford. However this proved that although the concept of living a greener life style was supported in general terms an eco town at Ford was overwhelming not. Supporters of the development have the very same means of voicing their options as those against it. I believe we still have freedom of speech in this country.

D. They welcome debate, placing local needs at the fore front of their proposals. I challenge them to have a balanced debate face to face with the communities of Ford, Yapton, Climping, Arundel and Aldingbourne .

John Mills
Church Rd

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Letter to Yapton News and Views

Dear Sir,

I am responding to Mr. Iain Wright MP’s peculiar letter in the November/December issue of Yapton News and Views regarding the proposed Ford “Eco” Town.

Firstly, the development would have to be pretty amazing to justify bulldozing and concreting over 87% wheat-producing green fields, destroying the prolific wildlife, the ancient trees and hedgerows. Frankly, I don’t seem anything remotely amazing about the proposal. As every proposed alternative “eco friendly” method of producing energy for the site has been chucked out of the plan as unsustainable, we are back to our old friends electricity and gas! Nothing amazing here.

Apart from building a few cycle lanes in the vain hope that people will have bikes (it is impossible to prohibit 50% of the people using cars) and not building garages for the houses (my my what a lot of on street parking there will be!), there is nothing remotely “eco” about this tired old failed planning application at all.

But let’s look at the impact. Apart from the many very serious problems that have already been highlighted (no infrastructure, flooding, grid-locked roads etc etc), no, Mr. Wright, Ford does not have “very high housing need and thousands of households on waiting lists”. We have 40 families in the immediate area that require homes in the area. The couple of thousand in Bognor and Littlehampton do not want to leave family and friends and town life, to be plonked in the middle of nowhere, despite the developers rating the attractiveness of the development on the same level as Chichester! What a flight of imagination (or spin)! I think a similar rating to Ford Open Prison would be more accurate.

There is overwhelming opposition from all age groups in this area and the resentment generated could provide a very fertile breeding ground for conflict. I dread to think what will happen when the bored, unemployed, un-entertained youth of Ford “Eco” town meet the resentful young people of Yapton, who will seen their beautiful countryside devastated and the quiet village life of their childhood changed out of all recognition. I see trouble ahead.

Please do not be fooled by the greediness of the FAVG, Mr. Wright, the rich landowners who want to become even richer. Listen to the people, the local authorities and parish councils who are surely better placed to decide what is best for our area.

Name and address supplied.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Put letter writing on your Christmas list!

The government have proposed a second round of consultation, which means we have to do it all again. If you are against the Eco-Town at Ford Airfield, you must write and tell this government why. 

We have created a page to assist in letter writing and objecting. 

We have until Thursday February 19th 2009

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Here come the Boys...

Penfold, Hall and Dixon have added more verbiage to their repertoire attacking Terry Knott of CAFÉ in the local blue tops. Isn't it funny, the only people writing letters who are pro Ford Eco-Town are those three?

I have one question for Penfold, Hall and Dixon - as you are all so concerned about the urgency to create affordable housing, it will be right to assume that you will never oppose any affordable housing developments within your own parishes? This is a yes or no answer guys, here is your chance to put the record straight and bury the nimby hatchet... I await your responses.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

No word yet then?

There is less than a week until the government ‘Eco-Town’ road show rolls into Littlehampton on November 26th and Yapton 27th. However, there has been no official announcement on their website? Does the DCLG want the public to be there, or are they scared of the hostility they face. Again, the DCLG are being unfair, undemocratic and dishonest to the people it serves. If you are going along - make life difficult for them!!! And remember - don’t fill out any of their questionnaires, Online or at the road show!

EDIT the page is updated now:
West Green car park, Littlehampton between 10.00am and 7.00pm on 26th November 2008
Village Hall, Yapton, BN18 0ET between 10.00 am and 6.00pm on 27th November 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008

Hundreds pack Ford Eco-Town protest meeting

CAMPAIGNERS against a proposed Eco-Town at Ford Airfield underlined the strength of their opposition at a public meeting on Friday (November 14). About 250 residents of Ford, Yapton, Climping, Walberton, Barnham, Arundel and neighbouring towns and villags packed Yapton and Ford Village Hall to express their continuing opposition to the Eco-Town proposals. Click here for more...

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Mr Differently-Sized Ears...

Sophie Smallwood has no time for politically correct critics of her grandmother’s work, but what if the liberal zealots did get their hands on Noddy and his pals? Here, in a tale that would have left Enid Blyton speechless, Sinclair McKay imagines just that. We present the story of Noddy And The Naughty Footprint... Click here for more...

Friday, 14 November 2008

Friday night out in Yapton

News and Letters...

CAFÉ to hold public meeting (Today) The meeting will be held at Yapton and Ford Village Hall at 7pm. Representatives from CAFE will provide a snapshot of the local and national situation regarding eco-towns, describe the way ahead and advise local residents on how they can support the ongoing campaign.

The public will also be invited to ask questions. Click here for more

And the prince of Nimbyism writes a heart wrenching letter in the local press believing the Eco-Town is a once in a lifetime chance for our children... Not mine Mr Dixon... Click here for bore...

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Press release from CPRE


The eco-towns programme should be scaled back, with a focus on one or two truly exemplary schemes, and tired, failed proposals dropped. [1] This was the reaction of countryside campaigners, CPRE, to the publication by the Government today (Tuesday) of a draft policy statement and impact assessment. [2]

Kate Gordon, CPRE’s [3] senior planner said:

‘There are welcome signs that Ministers are starting to listen to our concerns about the need for the environmental implications of eco-towns to be thoroughly tested through local and regional plans.

‘Fundamental questions need to be asked about the overall scale of the Government’s original ambitions and whether these remain realistic given current economic conditions. It is vital that the Government does not sacrifice high environmental standards in order to deliver housing numbers.’

Kate Gordon continued:

‘The continuing insistence that eco-towns must be new settlements is worrying. Many of the schemes are in locations where development would entail building on greenfield land, including high quality agricultural land, or in areas at risk from flooding. The combination of poor locations and the cost of providing high quality public transport there means that shortlisted schemes will inevitably be car dependent.’

CPRE will be examining the proposed policy and schemes carefully in the light of the following principles:

· all schemes should be thoroughly tested for their effects on the environment and communities through regional and local plans;

· the planning policy statement should not create a ‘presumption’ in favour of new towns or greenfield development over more sustainable forms of development, eg. urban regeneration;

· there should be a clear sequential approach in planning policy favouring urban brownfield development over development on green fields; [4]

· there should be no requirement for an eco-town to be a new settlement or contain a minimum of 5,000 homes, as this will stifle innovation and good practice in redevelopment and with smaller schemes;

· the policy should address ways in which existing places can become ‘eco-towns’, including through the development of ‘eco-extensions’ or ‘eco-quarters’ – we welcome the possibility of an urban quarter in Leeds;

· eco-towns should be agreed with, not imposed on, local communities, with public consultation following best practice models of public consultation.

Kate Gordon concluded:

‘We set out our case for eco-towns to meet ten tests back in February this year. It is vital that final schemes met these tests if they are to leave a positive legacy for the future.’ [5]

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Red faces over green towns

By all accounts, Gordon Brown's eco-towns programme is very sick. But, like a dying Soviet leader, the project is being kept alive for political reasons. It looks as if the government will wait until the spring before announcing formally that only one or two proposed eco-towns are viable. In the meantime, it will go through the motions of a consultation that is at best a shambles, at worst fixed. Click here for more...

Government 'retreats' on eco-town plans

The government has 'retreated' on many of its original eco-town aspirations following the publication of its draft Planning Policy Statement (PPS). That is the view of the chair of the Eco-towns Delivery Consortium and president of the Association of Consultant Architects Brian Waters. Click here for more...

Eco town PPS leaves a question unanswered

A draft Planning Policy Statement for the development of eco towns to be accompanied by a consultation process has been launched by government this week. The PPS says it aims 'to support the delivery of additional housing in new settlements, to contribute to the Government’s ambition for 3m additional houses in England by 2020; and to deliver highly sustainable developments, which are zero carbon and will act as exemplars for development more widely' Click here for more...

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Eco-town plan in disarray as sites fail to meet targets

Gordon Brown’s eco-town programme was in disarray last night with only one of 12 shortlisted sites meeting the Government’s criteria.

Rural campaigners and opposition parties demanded a halt to the scheme, which has enraged residents across the country. The policy has been beset with difficulties in the past year as developers and councils have pulled out of the zero-carbon schemes, which are expensive to build and depend on huge infrastructure support. Click here for more...

New eco-town standards raise bar for green builders

Building firms may struggle to meet tough new planning standards for eco-towns set by the government yesterday while remaining in budget, according to experts. The government yesterday announced criteria for potential towns which would require developers to require developers to deliver zero carbon buildings and facilities, and ensure 40 per cent of green space is set aside in the new towns. Click here for more...

England's Seaside Towns - Littlehampton and Bognor Regis

Interesting benchmarking study on Engalnd's deprived seaside towns. Littlehampton is grouped under Greater Worthing, but Bognor Regis is listed as a separate entity.

Lots of data showing the difference between seaside towns and their inland counterparts e.g. seaside likely to have less social housing, lower wages, etc, higher benefit claimants etc.

With the vast majority of Arun's population being in these 2 Seaside towns areas - it's little wonder that FAVG make so much of data on lower earnings etc to strengthen their claims - however there is little in this study that would show ANY advantages to building a new (eco)town between 2 deproved seaside towns on virgin up-populated land.

This from the same Govt. Dept. promoting Eco (sic) Towns!!!!

Joined up thinking?

Bah Humbug!

Plans for proposed eco-towns coming under further scrutiny

A second round of formal consultations has begun into proposed eco-towns, which include Ford in West Sussex and Bordon-Whitehill in Hampshire. The towns are intended to tackle the problems of housing shortages and climate change, have to be carbon zero as a whole, be an 'exemplar' in one area of environmental development and have at least 30 per cent affordable housing. Click here for more...

Only one eco-town site classed as suitable

Fresh doubts were cast on Tuesday over the faltering eco-town initiative as ministers admitted that just one potential site for the 10 towns promised was “generally suitable” for such a development.

The questions over the planning viability of the 12 remaining sites shortlisted adds to difficulties facing ministers as they press ahead with a big housebuilding programme while developers are staring at the worst housing collapse in decades. Click here for more...

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Most ecotown sites 'unsuitable', say experts

Just one of the 12 sites competing to become one of Gordon Brown's ecotowns is currently considered suitable by the government's green consultants.

Experts say 10 more might make the grade with further work, but appear to have ruled out one of the most controversial contenders, Weston Otmoor in Oxfordshire. The consultants said the site would need "substantial and exceptional innovation" to make it work. Click here for more...

Eco-towns – a grand idea, or maybe a bit too grand?

When is an eco-town not an eco-town? Will Godfrey, chief executive of East Hampshire District Council, is commit ted to securing the brand for his Whitehill Bordon scheme. But when it comes to the crunch, Godfrey is more pragmatist than purist: "We’re not going to create a 21st century folly. It’s got to be a community, not an environmental experiment." Click here for more...

Only one eco-town is viable, Government finally admits

Government documents published at the start of a consultation into the plans also showed that tens of thousands of new eco-homes planned for the developments will be environmentally out of date by 2016. Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced last year plans for up to 10 eco-towns, each containing between 5,000 and 20,000 environmentally-friendly homes. Click here for more...

A good day to bury bad news!

BBC Report

Good quote from Grant Shapps:

"Shadow housing minister Grant Shapps, said: "It is no wonder that the government has published the long-awaited small print on eco-towns on the day of the US elections. "

Link to the draft Planning Policy Statement (PPS)

This link will take you to the draft PPS - for some light reading!

Nothing on the specific sites in there yet - there will be further publications including Sustainability Assessments which will give more specific information.

A quick read through shows that Ford fails on the aspect on which I have been concentrating; employment. The PPS says that the eco-towns should provide at least one job per household. Even the Ford Airfield Vision Groups unjustifiably optimistic target is only 4,000 jobs. So that's a fail then is it? Let's wait for the FAVG Public Mis-revelations Department to magic up another 1,000 jobs in Father Christmas' grotto!

Beckett concedes eco-town problems

Margaret Beckett has admitted that some of sites shortlisted by the government for potential eco-towns will 'struggle' to win planning approval.

The housing minister, announcing the draft planning policy statement (PPS) for the eco-towns, said she did not expect all of the dozen shortlisted locations to go forward. Click here for more...

Have your say... Or not?

On the Directgov - ecotowns webpage we are now given the opportunity to have our say... Except they have have posted up the wrong link, which sends you to the same page over and over again... duh! [EDIT] link is fixed now... Strange how all the comments made so far have come from charities..?

Public consultation opens on toughest ever green standards for eco-towns

Local communities will get their next chance to have their say on the eco-town proposals as Housing Minister Margaret Beckett today launches the Government's second round of formal consultation on the proposed locations and standards for eco-towns. The draft Eco-towns Planning Policy Statement (PPS) published today for consultation sets out the UK's toughest ever green standards for new development, including achieving zero carbon status across all the buildings in the eco-town and allocating 40 per cent of the area within the town to be green space. The PPS also pledges that individual eco-towns will need to submit planning applications in the same way as any other major development proposal. Click here for more...

New question marks over eco-towns

Nearly all the locations earmarked for new eco-towns have question marks about them, ministers have acknowledged.
Of the 12 sites identified as having development potential, one is currently regarded as "generally suitable". Click here...

CLG finds only one eco-town site is 'suitable'

Another blow for the 'eco-town' project, in a report today only one of the 12 shortlisted bids to build eco-towns is ‘generally suitable’ for the flagship government programme, according to the Communities and Local Government department. A CLG appraisal published today rates 10 of the proposed sites as ‘grade B’. These are locations which ‘might be’ suitable for an eco-town ‘subject to meeting specific planning and design objectives’. Only the proposed site in Rackheath, in greater Norwich, was rated ‘grade A’, or ‘generally suitable for an eco-town’. Click here...

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

The Paul Foot Awards 2008

I was delighted to read in Private Eye that Jim Oldfield of Rossington Community Newsletter, South Yorks Newspapers, has been nominated for the Paul Foot Award 2008. This is an annual award for campaigning journalists.

Here is some of the explanation of why he was nominated:

Before Britain had ever heard of eco-towns, Rossington Community Newsletter was featuring the activities of a group of landowners and speculators to plant one in the village of Rossington - apparently against the wishes of 13,000 odd residents. In month by month reporting the Community Newsletter:
- "Outed' one local councillor for helping frame this and other developments while not declaring his interest as a significant landowner, in partnership with former Metro Centre developer and Newcastle United Chairman, Sir John Hall
- Ran a village poll which showed the residents to be overwhelming against development in their village
- Exposed the government's short-listing of the Rossington bid as having a huge number of houses planned for green belt land. After the resultant national newspaper publicity, the government u-turned and said that no green belt land would be used for eco-towns... and the Rossington bid was cut from 15,000 to 5,000

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Beckett softens approach...?

Planning Resource website

Government plans to build ten eco towns by 2020 is now a "hope" rather than a target, new housing minister Margaret Beckett has told a Commons Select Committee.
Beckett also called the government’s target of building three million homes by 2020 an “ambition”.

It is markedly different language from the defiant line taken by former housing minister Caroline Flint.

Beckett was first responding to Sunday newspaper reports that the DCLG has concluded only “one or two” of the 15 short listed projects are genuinely viable.

“We are only at the first stage of consultation. We have had a substantial response and we are continuing with the hope that we will be able to identify ten (sites) at a later stage,” she said.
When asked if government is sticking to its pledge to increase house building to 240,000 homes a year by 2016, she replied: “I think the most challenging of the targets was the three million, but that was an ambition actually, rather than a target.

“The target was the figure for 2016 and that is something we will have to see how we can address.”

The incoming minister said there were no plans “at the present time” to scrap the target.

Neither green, nor towns!

The Telegraph focusing back on Eco-Towns today!

What does this mean...?

Just had an email to say:

"In case you missed it, the 7.00am South Today news slot confirmed that the Government South East Plan has included the Eco-Town development at Whitehill and Bordon. "

No mention of Ford - hopefully something will become clear later...?

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Flagship eco-town plan falters in tough climate

Oh dear, it looks like Gordon Brown's flagship plan to build a string of environmentally friendly 'eco-towns' across Britain has been dealt a critical blow, with only two of the 10 sites promised now expected to be built. Click here for more...

Thursday, 23 October 2008

UK's ancient woodland being lost 'faster than Amazon

Ancient woodland in Britain is being felled at a rate even faster than the Amazon rainforest, according to new research today. It shows that almost half of all woods in the UK that are more than 400 years old have been lost in the past 80 years and more than 600 ancient woods are now threatened by new roads, electricity pylons, housing, and airport expansion. Click here for more...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Rich and poor gap 'narrows' in UK

The gap between rich and poor in the UK has decreased since 2000, an international survey has concluded. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says the decline in inequality in Britain has been "remarkable".

The report's author told the BBC: "...the poor have been getting richer more rapidly than the rich since 2000." Click here and here for more...

Saturday, 18 October 2008

China's Dongtan demise is mirrored by bad news for Britain's eco-towns

The failure of Dongtan, which has been praised by Gordon Brown as a vision of the future, raises questions about Britain's plans for similar eco-towns. Click here for more...

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Brown's army to tackle climate change?

Gordon Brown announces large numbers of draught-proofers to provide jobs, aid the poor, and help the environment. I wonder if this has something to do with this?

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Trains, pains and automobiles

I occasionally commute from Ford, so if you think the A27 is rammed at peak times you want to try the 'South Coast Cattle Cart Express', and this situation looks like it will get worse. Southern Railways increased the number of trains and carriages last year, however, this has had no impact on overcrowded trains. Those who settle in the ‘Eco-Town’ at Ford will increase passenger numbers further as they commute back to their old jobs around Sussex and beyond. That is if they cannot find work at the humorously imaginative 'Technology Park’ of course.

Half the residents of the Eco-Town won’t be allowed to own cars, so they will need a reliable and cheap mode of transport. Ford is served by less trains than Bognor and Littlehampton - so, unless Ford station is upgraded (which is a big IF), the people living in the Eco-Town could end up with very poor commuting options. Oh, and has anyone mentioned the cost? An annual season ticket between Ford and Brighton will set you back £1,664 or Ford to Victorica £3,400 - not a cheap or convenient option for those living in Yapton and Ford already struggling on a low income... Sally!!! Get me cart oot!!!

Monday, 13 October 2008

UK has 'pent-up housing demand'

Now that Gordon has sorted out his credit crunch, his 'one' political eye is now focussed on that big labour issue, housing! Mr Brown told a city audience the US and Spain had "overbuilt" homes during the years of rising prices. In contrast the UK had "pent-up demand" because not enough had been built. This item has more questions than answers...

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Moving the goal post again...

The government is considering not using the Code for Sustainable Homes for its contentious eco towns scheme. According to an item in 'Building' magazine last Friday, draft guidance, written by external consultants for the communities department, suggests that the new eco homes should instead be measured against a European model of energy output per square metre. Click her for more...

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

The idiots

Over on the Littlehampton Gazette website is an article about the petition being presented to Downing Street last Thursday, click here to read. On the same page are various rants by people calling themselves, anon-e-mouse, food4thought, surfh0g and nickisplight.

At the very end comes an hilarious comment from anon-e-mouse, "Anyways, no matters, the voice of the minorities are louder than you think..."

OK anon-e-mouse you squealy squeak! It is no good trolling news sites ranting about the rights and wrongs of this campaign! Get your faces in the papers and start a pro Eco-Town campaign or just fight for whatever injustice you believe in!!!

Why do people like you make anonymous comments on websites and then expect us to believe your opinion is right when you won't even reveal who you are..?

My advice to anyone is not to respond to their comments as they cannot be taken seriously.

Any bets on Beckett then..?

Margaret Beckett, MP for Derby South, has taken over the position of Housing Minister from Caroline Flint, becoming the third person to hold the top spot within a year, and the eighth since Labour came to power... Sounds like a tough job to me - I'll give her 6 months... Click here for more...

Friday, 3 October 2008

Flint out Beckett in!!!

News just in, Margaret Beckett is to become housing minister, replacing Caroline Flint... Yep its official - Flint is off to the Foreign Office as Europe minister. Beckett is a highly respected and experienced minister, so what happens from here is anyones guess... I think Mr Brown is planning a Hallowe'en party!!!


CAFE hand in 10,000 signatures to Downing Street

A small group of us went up to London today to hand over the petition signed by 10,000 people from the communities around the proposed Eco Town site. I caught the 10pm news on the Beeb, and saw the piece about the handover. I guess they weren't to know, when the date of 2 October was set, that there would be a lot of TV crews outside No 10 waiting for news of a cabinet re-shuffle. But it won't have hurt - and the press release includes a great picture of the group outside Gordon's house. Let's hope for some good publicity tomorrow!

No 10 Petition

Well the 'original' petition I started on the Number 10 website, before CAFE got together, ended yesterday - and reached 1000 - an amazing number really, given the focus on the CAFE petition!

So that one is in Gordon's in-box now - I wonder what he'll say?

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Green and unpleasant

Pity the residents of what New Labour politicians think of as the strong and joyful ecotowns, one of which might yet blight a stretch of landscape near you by 2020. Not only will they have to live in developer-built dormitory suburbs given a fashionable name, they will also be the subject of unprecedented scrutiny by quango folk who, in a holier-than-thou spirit, will check on just how "eco" ecotown folk will be. Click for more...

Thanks Jez for alerting me - occasionally I miss those buried ones...

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Crunch time for green housing

Just 12 months ago, eco-towns were at the forefront of the government's plans to build more new homes and reduce carbon emissions. But now, with the credit crunch biting hard and the housing market in real trouble, their future direction looks uncertain. Ministers should shift their green focus to existing buildings — both residential and commercial — which together account for around half of the UK's carbon emissions. Click here for more...

Friday, 26 September 2008

The day humanity starts eating the planet

On September 23, humanity will have used up all the resources nature will provide this year, according to the latest data from Global Footprint Network. Just like any company, nature has a budget - it can only produce so many resources and absorb so much waste each year. The problem is, our demand on nature's services is exceeding what it can provide.

Click here for more...

We are family

Here is a blog opposed to the whole eco-town project.

Eco town dwellers may be monitored for green habits

Residents of the planned eco towns in England could face strict monitoring of their travel habits, home insulation and even wasted food, to ensure they are truly living a "green" lifestyle.

Experts advising the government on its plans to build up to 10 eco towns by 2020, yesterday called for ministers to toughen environmental standards for the developments with monitoring to ensure their carbon footprint is three times smaller than the British average. Click here for more...

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Inside Out - on BBC iPlayer

So what did the Beeb make of the Aldingbourne Three? A few days left to watch!

What makes an Eco-Town?

The report, What makes an eco-town?, produced jointly by the BioRegional Development Group and CABE, defines an eco-town as a place designed to make it easy for residents to reduce their ecological footprint by two thirds and their carbon dioxide emissions by 80 per cent below 1990 levels.

The report proposes features of places designed for living within ecological limits. These include generous space to grow food; ample tree canopy cover; attractive alternatives to shopping as the default leisure activity; and substantial reduction in car dependency. It provides clear criteria and practical guidance on how the sustainability of settlements can be monitored and tested.

Click here for more info and to download...

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Eco-town protesters light beacon

Final signatures for a petition against plans to build a West Sussex eco-town are being collected, as protesters prepare to light a community beacon. The government has named the former Ford airfield, near Arundel, and surrounding farmland as a possible site for 5,000 homes. Ford is one of 15 sites in England originally shortlisted for the 10 new eco-towns. Two have since dropped out. Click here for more...

Meanwhile an environmental pressure group has called for plans for an eco-town to be reconsidered. Click here...

No mention of Eco-Towns this year..?

Gordon Brown presented his Labour Party Conference speech yesterday, which consisted of 6,703 words. You can read it here in full on the BBC website. I did a quick count of how many times Eco-Towns were mentioned. Zero, zilch, not a sausage, bugger all! What does this mean for his flawed Eco-Town scheme?

Here is a reminder of what he had to say on September 24th 2007 - "And for the first time in nearly half a century we will show the imagination to build new towns - eco-towns with low and zero carbon homes. And today because of the response we have received we are announcing that instead of just 5 new eco towns, we will now aim for ten eco towns - building thousands of new homes in every region of the country."

Monday, 22 September 2008

So where will the power come from now!

WSCC have decided to locate their Material Resource Centre at Warnham, near Horsham. Thus WSCC now have no plans for an "incinerator" at Ford.

The Centre at Warnham will deal with all the West Sussex waste that currently goes to landfill. It is actually also where the current landfill waste goes, so the traffic patterns in the future will be exactly the same as now.

One of the "outputs" from the new plant will be "waste derived fuel (WDF)", which will then need to be sold to produce energy or otherwise disposed-of. Biffa, the contractors, currently have 2 potential customers for energy-from-waste in the Horsham area - one a housing development, and the other an industrial park. Also, the WDF will become available with effect from 2011, so by the time that a Ford Eco-Town energy-from-waste plant could come on-stream, Biffa and WSCC should have long-established constomers already on board.

The result of all this is that FAVG will not have access to the WSCC waste stream, and it will not in any case be coming to Ford. Also, if FAVG want WDF then they will need to "import" it (with all the obvious unsustainable transport implications), and the output from the Biffa plant will not necessarily be available to them.

Saturday, 20 September 2008




Hot dogs, donuts and soft drinks will be available


Friday, 19 September 2008

ASA Bans Eco-Town ads

The Advertising Standards Authority has banned a press campaign for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) consultation because it is misleading. Click for more...

Click here for the full ASA Adjudication.

Thursday, 18 September 2008


SATURDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 8pm - Live music at the LAMB PUB, Bilsham Lane,

David Francis, acoustic guitarist from New York, often likened to Neil Young and early McCartney has donated his time and talent for the night along with local girl Jo Macaffety who writes her own songs and has played alongside several well known artists.

The lamb will be donating a POUND to CAFE for every meal sold. So come along and enjoy good homemade food and international music. Food ranges from potato skins to real ale pie or simply fish and chips.

The political pressure is building up!

The pressure on Mr Brown does seem to me to reflect some of our concerns about this Eco Town policy being 'foisted' onto local communities. Like this piece from the BBC:

"Mr Milburn said he welcomed Mr Brown's commitment to put more power into the hands of people, but that a "splurge of Whitehall initiatives" seemed to point in the opposite direction.

"Public disengagement is a symptom of disempowerment. Too often we shut people out when we should be letting them in," he said.

Mr Milburn added: "This half-in, half-out approach won't work. Uncertainty has to make way for clarity."

So it'll be all eyes on the Labour Party conference to see what Gordon's commitment about putting power back into local communities actually means!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Lib Dems in eco-town motion

The Liberal Democrats have adopted a motion opposing the government's eco town plans. The party said at its annual conference that the Labour administration is "misleading" the public by attaching a green label to a scheme that only requires "moderate" standards of environmental friendliness. Click here fore more... And here...

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Fight, fight, fight!

Lots of talk about Labour leadership challenges over the last few days. This is a good thing and the opportunity to boot Gordon Brown (trousers) out of Downing Street is long overdue! It will also prove that Labour are on a sinking ship. John McDonnell - who has long been urging a leadership election - described current Labour infighting as "like watching the crew having a punch up on the deck of the Titanic". Haha!

If Gordon Brown (trousers) goes - hopefully his stupid grand Eco-Town scheme will go with him. I'm looking forward to a good old political fight! Bring it on!

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Judicial review threat to Eco-Towns

The future of Gordon Brown's eco-town policy has been brought under threat after a judge ruled that part of the project should be subject to judicial review. Click for more...

Friday, 12 September 2008

Dear Mr Adam Sampson,

I am absolutely appalled that SHELTER has been given government funding, which effectively comes out of my pocket, and that of other tax-payers, to enable you to act as a stooge for a highly political manoeuvre involving stuffing thousands of people into, in some cases, an entirely unsuitable location, miles from where they live or come from.

I am as much in favour as anyone, of providing suitable homes to people who cannot afford them - although there is an issue about unreasonable levels of expectation too, in our current leaderless and “I want it all” society – but forcing a size ten foot into a size four shoe is not the answer. The current housing figures are also highly dubious, given that there is no method of de-conflicting figures for applications from one area to another, leading to inflation of figures by as much as 300%

You should be aware that, in quoting statistics of those needing homes in the Ford location in West Sussex, the official figure of 4,000 is highly misleading. 2,000 of these are based on Bognor Regis, which has an adequate infrastructure and is currently undergoing a regeneration programme costing several million pounds; and another 1,700 are based in Littlehampton (ditto). Although we have asked local people if they wish to move away from Bognor and Littlehampton, with possible loss of job, friends and family (and assuming they have transport to get round a rural area), we have had no response This leaves only 200 people, from the District, who might or might not want to live at Ford.

Conversely we have signatures of over 10,000 people in 4 months, who think the Ford scheme is a bad idea.

As someone involved in another charity, I am disgusted that you allow yourself and your charity to be used in this way. Further I am pleased that this misuse of taxpayers money has been legally challenged. I shall be writing to your Trustees.

Terry Knott MC FRSM
Chairman CAFÉ

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Government faces eco-town judicial review

The government’s eco-town policy will be subject to a judicial review after a campaign group won a ruling in the High Court today.

The Better Accessible Regional Development campaign (BARD) applied for a judicial review in June this year, challenging the government’s eco-town consultation processes.

Now the case will be subject to a full hearing at the High Court before the end of the year. Click here for more...

Sunday, 7 September 2008

What does lord Rogers think about Eco-Towns?

On Sunday 07 September Andrew Marr interviewed Lord Rogers and the question about Eco-Towns popped up! And guess what - he doesn't think they are a good idea either!

Click to see it here - (about 20 minutes into the show)
Link will be online until Sunday September 14th

Click to read it here...

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Government paid charity to produce eco-town 'fact' leaflets

Gordon Brown's eco-towns scheme was embroiled in new controversy last night as a housing charity admitted it had been paid to produce information leaflets setting out the Government's case. Shelter, one of the few organisations backing the plan to build new towns in the English countryside, said it had been given £100,000 by the Government to publish a series of 13 pamphlets, one for each proposed eco-town site. Click for more...

Nice to see Gordon Brown diverting taxpayers money for government propaganda - he is a very desperate man! I would be most interested to know if Shelter have received any Lottery funding in the last few months?

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Cabe slams schemes by eco-towns architect

Cabe has slammed two residential schemes designed by Barton Willmore comprising more than 7,000 homes between them. Shadow housing minister Grant Shapps said the reviews set “alarm bells ringing” because Barton Willmore is also designing two of the government’s proposed eco-towns.Click for more...

I wonder what Cabe will make of the Ford Eco Town proposal?

Caroline Flint apologises over Brownfield misinformation

Sadly not for Ford - but I think it clearly emphasises how concerned the DCLG were to mislead the public about the amount of Brownfield land to be covered in the Eco Towns.

An Eco Con indeed!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Less than 30 days...

There is still time to sign the petition...

You can download it or sign online here...

Do it now - the clock is ticking...

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Is Flint listening?

Caroline Flint has asked people all over the country to write and email with their concerns regarding the Eco-Town shortlist. This was to be a democratic public consultation, however, for some reason her department has fallen silent on the matter.

I wrote several letters to Ms Flint who has chosen not to responded to any of my concerns. It appears Ms Flint and Labour are ignoring the facts that eco-towns in some areas are unwanted and unconvincing, despite the green bodge job glossed over this absurd idea.

We had only three months to voice our concerns... Everyday I wait for a response... Its been several months now Ms Flint... Is this democratic and fair?

Hi Mr. Gummidge. Hope you had a good summer.

I am trying to comment on the Does Caroline Folint Listen entry in the Blog but, as usual, stumble when I have to enter my password and user name - which is never recognised. However, perhaps you would be kind enough to print my comment below on that entry. Many thanks, Tricia Wales

I too have written to ms Flint on several occasions and have sent a copy of each letter to Gordon Brown. I have received two letters from 10 Downing Street thanking me and acknowledging the copy letters I have sent, but surprise surprise not a dicky bird from Caroline Flint Which shows what an ignorant, uneducated individual we are dealing with here, who is without even basic common courtesy or manners!

Friday, 29 August 2008

OFFICIAL - Only 50 Hectares of Brownfield land in whole of Arun District

The Department for Communities and Local Government today released figures on the amount of land which is previously developed etc (Brownfield) which may be available for housing and other development (Technology parks, marinas, parkway stations etc etc).

Report here:-

Interestingly for the whole of Arun district, there is only 13ha previously developed land, 26ha land currently in use but with potential for housing development and (with other categories) - makes a total of only 50 ha in the whole district.- From Ferring to Pagham, and Littlehampton to Findon.

Now, our friends at Ford Airfield Vision Group (a misnomer if ever I heard one) and Ford Enterprise Hub, claim their (eco) new town covers 350ha, which even if all this identified "brownfield" land is at Ford, and within the curtilage of the land their greedy farmers wish to concrete over; that is only 1/7th (14.3%) of their new town land - that's therefore 85.7% which if it ain't brownfield land, must be greenfield land.

This is for the whole of Arun district too!


Thursday, 28 August 2008

Another one bites the dust - Tesco withdraw Hanley Grange

Announced today - Hanley Grange in Cambridgeshire is now off the list of Eco Towns. This was the site proposed by Tescos and universally opposed by local residents. A few weeks ago a partner in the scheme, the Wellcome Trust, withdrew their land from the proposal.

Today Tescos has followed suit and bowed to the local opposition and withdrawn from the Government's shortlist.

Here is a link to the local newspaper - - it is interesting to read the quote from Tescos:

"We also believe a genuinely sustainable community stands the best chance of being successful if a broad range of stakeholders in the region feel fully engaged in the process leading up to a decision."

I think we can take that as recognition from Tescos that their involvement in this undemocratic Eco Town process, looking to impose huge developments against the wishes of all concerned, is never going to lead to success. They are reserving the right to bring their proposal back again through local democracy - would that the Ford Eco Town proposers would do the same! But the partners in the Ford Airfield 'Vision' Group have failed trying that so many times that theyknow that local democracy will not allow them to ruin our countryside. I doubt they've got the nerve to risk it!

Monday, 25 August 2008

Petition handover date

On 2 October a delegation from CAFE will be presenting our petition to Downing Street. We have so far got nearly 1,000 signatures on the No 10 Petitions website:

And over 10,000 people have signed our paper petition - so if you have would like to sign the petition and have not done so - or perhaps if you have family or friends who support us, but have not signed yet - then now is a good time to get them to do so!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Financial Times - 'Ministers faced with delays in eco-towns timetable'

If this link doesn't quite work, do a search on eco towns on the FT site.

What they are saying is that the Government has hidden an announcement that the Eco Town shortlist will now be released until next year in another announcement.

'A shortlist of applicants due to be published in October will not come out until next year, it has emerged. In addition, there is evidence that ministers may be starting to row back from their target of 10 towns....Caroline Flint, housing minister, has recently begun to talk about "up to 10 eco-towns" '

No guarantees that this will hold, but it is interesting to see the weight of this kind of reporting that is now coming out.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Caroline Flint under fire in her own constituency - continued

So to continue from Mr Gummidge's pre-release mention of the Sunday Times article - here is it!

In the midst of this report on the Rossington - that's in Sheffield, Mrs Flint's own consituency - Eco Town, the following summary of the current bids appears:

"The three leading contenders are Rossington, in Flint’s Don Valley constituency; Whitehill and Bordon in Hampshire, the only scheme that is being led by the local authority; and Marston Vale, in Bedfordshire, which has significantly less local opposition than other proposals.
Other sites still considered as options are Middle Quinton, near Stratford-upon-Avon, and Weston Otmoor, in Oxfordshire. "

Unsurprisingly the Marston Vale protestors are up in arms about the implication that there is not as much opposition there as in other places. From a Ford point of view, it is interesting that The Times are now reporting Ford as one of the least likely to go ahead.

Sunday, 17 August 2008


Not blind to housing needs
Derek Waller writes: I was disappointed to learn from your report last week, Littlehampton Gazette, August 7, that the wealthy, articulate and powerful housing minister thinks that she has an exclusive right to speak on behalf of the "hidden homeless" in Arun District; what arrogance. Click here for more...

I certainly did view site
Meanwhile the indefatable Housing Minister Caroline Flint must be rattled because she writes: I WAS astonished by the article in your paper suggesting I did not go to the site of the proposed Ford eco-town during my visit last month. Click here for more...

Thanks, CAFE, for being so articulate
Mrs C. A. Cooper writes to thank CAFÉ for all the hard work they have done. Click here for more...

At least she made the effort to visit
And finally more tripe from Tony Dixon: In a district with over 4,000 households on the housing waiting list, the lowest average wage in West Sussex, 40 per cent of the workforce out-commuting every day, a serious infrastructure deficit particularly on the A27 at Arundel, below-average educational attainment etc, we should all be grateful that a government minister found the time, in the parliamentary recess, to visit the district and listen to the views of those on all sides of the eco-town debate. Click for more...

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Eco-town plan is the pits, former miners tell minister

Caroline Flint, the housing minister, faces a backlash in her own constituency after it emerged that a former mining community she represents is likely to be selected for one of the first eco-towns.

Whitehall insiders predict that plans for 5,000 new environmentally friendly homes on the site of an old coal mine in the deprived area of Rossington, Doncaster, will get the go-ahead next year. It is one of three eco-towns regarded as likely to be built.

Flint maintains that the developers are not being given preferential treatment and has appointed a junior minister to deal with the proposal to avoid accusations of a conflict of interest. Click for more...

Hang on - this story is published in the Times tomorrow - its Saturday 16th - my news feeds are so fine tuned I'm getting the news before it happens!!!

Friday, 15 August 2008

Ecotown plans are not sustainable

John Anderson, Martin Bradshaw, Stephen Byrne, John Collins and 10 other former presidents of the Royal Town Planning Institute write:

As a development model, the ecotown is to be welcomed. However, as former presidents of the Royal Town Planning Institute, we hold serious reservations about the way in which sites for these developments have been promoted (Germaine Greer, G2, August 11). Some of the proposed ecotowns derive from a clear planning process, but others represent an undermining of planning policy at both regional and local level. Some have simply provided excuses for landowners to reintroduce tired schemes that have already been rejected within a legitimate planning process. It is our view that this approach is wrong. Click for more...

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Caroline Flint's super-powers exposed!

What a give-away .... there we all were, thinking that Caroline was just another cabinet minister, when under that mild-mannered and unassuming exterior lies a super-hero with extraordinary visual powers.

In a snappy little riposte to the Littlehampton Gazette's comment in last weeks edition, where it was stated that she had refused a tour of the proposed eco town site, she wrote ...

"I certainly did view the site. When I first arrived in Yapton, I viewed the whole site from the former runway of Ford airfield. This was enormously helpful in my subsequent meetings with developers, local authorities and MPs"

I could walk for an hour and not see the whole site, while Caroline can stand on the Ford runway and without the need for binoculars or photo-opportunities, survey the entire scene!

A truly remarkable woman, capable of remarkable feats, and I cannot but wonder what other powers she possesses.
Maybe she can shrug off bullets?

I hope so, because she just shot herself in the foot!

Eco-Town doesn't make the shortlist

The terms WAG, HIP and credit crunch have become so widely used in everyday life that they have merited entry in the new version of The Chambers Dictionary. 'Eco-village'- defined as "a small-scale, environmentally friendly settlement designed for sustainable living" - is also included. Interestingly, 'eco-town' is not. Click here for more...

ReCyclone Creates Energy, Fuel, and Usable Compost from Trash

Why hasn't the government or local authorities looked into this?

In a world where landfill space is shrinking and millions of tons of waste are generated daily, we need solutions. PowerMaster has them - ReCyclone™ technology reduces waste in landfills, turns waste into energy, and recycles waste products.

Looks like there is an answer to one of our biggest problems. So maybe the government present or future will be looking into this... Remember you read it here first... Technology for an age old problem - the PowerMaster ReCyclon. Click for more...

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Eco-Town impact on Bognor is key to plan

Account needs to be taken of a Ford eco-town's impact on Bognor Regis. That was one of the verdicts of the challenge panel of experts set up by Ms Flint to examine eco-town proposals around the country.

The panel's final report says the Ford proposal has to assess the effect of any eco-town on the surrounding area because the development has to have a positive impact on the wider regeneration strategy for Bognor and Littlehampton in line with Arun District Council's policies.

There is also the need to provide a clear employment strategy for Ford, as jobs will be key in attracting people to the town, which could start to be occupied in 2012, and reducing residents' need to commute. Click for more...

Are Eco-Cities next?

Cities in northern England such as Liverpool, Sunderland and Bradford are "beyond revival" and residents should move south, a think tank has argued. click for more...

Friday, 8 August 2008

Flint on the defence over eco-town plans

Housing minister Caroline Flint has insisted the government is making “significant progress” with its eco-towns plan, despite a report from an advisory panel which pointed out serious flaws in many of the shortlisted proposals. click for more...

Local news...

Minister 'refused a tour of the site with us' – MPs
MP Nick Gibb said he was disappointed Ms Flint had decided against visiting the eco-town site with him. Click for more...

'We have to allow for needs of 21st century'
Eco-towns are an essential part of the change of living needed for the 21st century, one of those involved with the Ford proposals has said. Ian Tant was among those who on behalf of the Ford Airfield Vision Group presented the case for an eco-town. Click for more...

Minister keeping an 'open mind' over Ford
Housing minister Caroline Flint has assured residents around Ford she is open-minded about an eco-town being built there. Ms Flint visited the site of the proposed development at Ford Airfield last week. Click for more...

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Minister's car engine left running for two hours during eco-visit

Eco-town campaigners have criticised a government minister for leaving her car engine running in Yapton – for two hours.

The vehicle which was waiting to transport Caroline Flint, the housing minister, away from her meeting about the proposed eco-town in Ford was pouring fumes from its exhaust for her entire time in the village. Click for more...

Caroline Flint's 'Drive-by' ...

So, Caroline Flint declined the offer of a tour around the Eco-town site, kept the motor running for the duration of her visit to Yapton village hall, but made time for a riverside photo-opportunity with a bunch of Labour councillors.

Am I surprised? ... not really!

I think this sends a very clear message about how concerned Ms. Flint is with regard to the suitability of Ford as a potential Eco-town. She plainly has no interest in facts or opinions that do not support her agendas and political goals, and all her assurances that there are no "done-deals" are starting to sound rather hollow - as is her passionate concern for the "silent, hidden homeless."

Pretty much what I would expect from a 'career' politician.

Ho hum.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Can you afford an Eco-home?

If you read the post below, £300,000 is the average cost of an eco-home - according the The Times.

From the FEH website:
"As a whole we in Arun live in a low pay economy.

According to the Nomis annual survey of hours and earnings - workplace analysis, the average gross weekly wage for Arun in 2005 was £396. This compares to a national average of £518, a South East average of £539, a West Sussex average of £489, Adur at £480, Chichester at £432, Crawley at £586, Horsham at £507, Mid Sussex at £496 and Worthing at £438."

Based on these salaries - is £300,000 affordable to those in a low pay economy? Perhaps FEH can answer this for me?

Eco-towns: a design for life

They could be the answer to our housing and carbon-footprint problems, so why are people opposed to new towns?

It is an unlikely alliance: Germaine Greer, Sir Simon Jenkins, Dame Judi Dench, Richard Rogers, Ben Fogle, Duncan Goodhew, John Nettles and the family of Tim Henman united at the barricades. But then, eco-towns are an unusual opponent, forcing together those who you would expect to oppose them with those you wouldn't. Read more here...

Monday, 4 August 2008

FORD ECO-TOWN: Waste plant plan dismissed

A suggested waste-to-energy plant to provide power for the proposed eco-town at Ford was dismissed as a non-starter at Friday's meeting of West Sussex County Council. Leader Cllr Henry Smith said 6,000 houses were proposed, and these were supposed to deliver all sorts of infrastructure benefits.

"The Government is claiming they will deliver the earth, but this is certainly not the case," he declared. Click for more...

Tories demand firm date for eco-town shortlist

The Conservatives have challenged Caroline Flint, the Housing Minister, to provide a firm date for the announcement of a shortlist of up to 10 controversial eco-towns amid further signs that the entire project is in trouble. Click for more...

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Welcome all...

Over the last 24 hours there have been postings to this blog and other websites linked to the No Ford Eco-Town campaign... I welcome all comments, rants, abuse and I have no issues with anyone, no matter how strong their opinion is - for or against.

This blog is an open forum - there is even a link inviting people to join in... It also happens that most of the people living in the surrounding area are against this Eco-Town development - hence the huge support for CAFÉ and this Blog.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Spirit FM - Caroline Flint interview

Usual political sound bites and spin...
Quite a few well - welll - wells.
A bit of old tosh!
And those carefully chosen words,
'Articulate, confident & Rich!'

Listen here...

DCLG publishes full sustainability appraisals - but doesn't know where Ford is!

The Department for Communities, & Local Government have published full sustainability appraisals on the shortlisted "Eco-town" proposals.

The one for Ford includes this little gem....

" Arundel bypass site: AONB to north. At the western end the road would
cross through 1.5km of Tortington Common Ancient Woodland and through Binstead Wood Complex SNCI. There are also protected species in this area (adder (BAP species), grass
snake (BAP species), common lizard (BAP species), and common pipistrelle The eastern section crosses the Adur, but is unlikely to affect the SSSI.

Oops - do they know where Ford is? You'd have thought the name of our local authority would give them a clue to the name of the river running beside the proposed site (that they still insist on calling an airfield)?

"Ford parkway (railway station): May be issues with watercourse, ditches and water voles, depending if footprint changes.

Residential development site: Issue with watercourses and ditches.

Industrial/commercial development site: Watercourses and protected species (great crested newt and watervoles (EA lead, BAP species).

Marina: Climping Beach SSSI and Littlehampton golf course SNCI to the south (see Ford Airfield above). Issues with protected species, flood risk, and watercourse."

Erm have I missed something???

Thought the PARKWAY station was rejected (not v green inviting 1000's of motorists from all over the coastal strip to DRIVE to the station's supposed fast and frequent rail services.

And MARINA? Isn't the riverside supposed to be wetland and greenspace? Or do they want to inflict another aesthetically challenging - oh, and very 1980's marina development on the south coast?????

Read the full sustainability appraisals here:

Thursday, 31 July 2008

The Video passed to Caroline Flint by Cafe

Cafe over the weekend of 26/07/08 managed to shoot and mix together a video to show the Minister the area that could be lost forever. Thanks John for sending this in...

VIDEO: Campaigners tell minister how they feel

Housing minister Caroline Flint this afternoon visited Yapton to meet eco-town protesters and supporters.

Ms Flint spent two hours in the village hall, which is on King George V playing field next to part of the site of the proposed 5,000 home development. Click here for more...

Is the eco-town dream dead?

It all looked so different just 12 months ago, when Gordon Brown won national plaudits for making housing – and the construction of five “eco-towns” – one of his principal priorities. The prime minister was even applauded when he somewhat opportunistically increased the number to 10 at last year’s Labour conference. Since then, however, the popularity of the eco-towns programme in the national press has closely matched that of the prime minister.

Read the article from

Challenge Team Report

This is the link (PDF), to the second report of the eco-town challenge team, who are "independently" assessing the proposals.

They say of Ford that “The proposal has been brought forward an impressive amount since the first session.”

“The amount of thinking and work that has gone into the project is appreciated.”

“Good progress, but issues still to be addressed in the areas of transport and land use.”

Where may I ask is the transparency of this thinking and work?

Other developers for the other sites publish a huge amount on their websites. FAVG have only updated their website with a 2 page re-hash of the plans (very very draft) shown at the exhibitions, and included a rather comical day in the life section about some imaginary resident of the new town.

Why are FAVG so secretive? Why aren't these proposals being developed in the full public arena?

If you're not in favour of the Eco Town - you're rich!

Fascinating - when Housing Minister Caroline Flint did her radio interview with Spirit FM she described those against the Ford Eco-Town as being 'confident, articulate and rich'.

Maybe she was feeling less than confident about her position in that interview, as that often brings out people's hidden thoughts? But I wonder if those three words really do sum up the 2000 people who marched round the site in June to protest - all of them rich? Really, Caroline?

Or is that just how the Minister would like it to be - to see everyone disagreeing with her as being rich people, to see this as a rich vs. poor issue?

As I see it we have across the community support for the CAFE campaign. Rich and poor, black and white, employed and unemployed. Some may be some of her 'confident, articulate and rich' things, but others certainly are not.

Some are even Labour voters, Caroline! They just think that this is the wrong place to put an Eco Town.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

To all friends and supporters

We now have confirmation that Caroline Flint will be visiting the proposed Ford eco-town site, Wednesday 30th of July. She will be arriving at 12:30pm and departing at 5:30pm. CAFE' and the parish councils have arranged to meet with her at the Yapton and Ford Village Hall to strongly put across the community's concerns with Ford eco-town and related issues.

CAFE' will continue to carry on our determined but professional stance which has won us the support of the media, MP's and the local government by attending this meeting but NOT demonstrating. We want to engage the Minister and not allow her to place us in the NIMBY camp.

It is imperative that everyone have a poster, leaflet or car sticker in evidence in their gardens and their vehicles in the surrounding villages and along both roads leading to the A27 (Ford and Yapton roads, Ford Lane, etc.) We want to be visible but not obstructive or antagonistic.

If you need any placards, leaflets or car stickers please contact me

Monday, 28 July 2008

Yapton Local Internet Radio Podcast

Show 1 of Yapton Local is now on our servers for you to download, we feature an interview with Alan & Jo ( The Yapton Wombles ). We also feature our Street barbeque, we also reveal Eco Daleks may be coming to Ford, plus, indie music around the world
Please support us. Click here for more...

Friday, 25 July 2008

Propsals for Ford Eco-Town are a failure

WHEN is the Ford Enterprise Hub going to grasp that their proposal for an Eco-Town at Ford is a failure?

They used the leverage of completion of the A27 in their proposal and it was made clear by the government that the completion of the A27 would have no bearing on a decision to build an Eco-Town at Ford. Read more here...

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Green, with hints of Brown

FORD, a one-pub hamlet between the South Downs and the sea, is home to just 1,400 people. They are lucky: with its winding river and views of Arundel castle, the village is beautiful. Soon, many more might enjoy its charms. The settlement has been shortlisted as the site of an “eco-town”, comprising 5,000 homes, shops, schools, offices and a power-plant. Residents are aghast, and have banners in their gardens saying so. Click for more...

Government announces standards for eco-town buildings and green space

The government has set out standards for eco-towns that would require all buildings in an eco-town to be zero carbon and for 40% of land within the town to be designated as green space.

Housing minister Caroline Flint claimed the latest plans were the UK's toughest-ever green standards for new housing.

Under the proposals, homes, commercial and public buildings in eco-towns would be required to achieve zero-carbon status, and at least half of the land assigned for green space would be open to the public as parkland or recreation areas. Click for more...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Living in an eco-town will cost £500 a year extra

Householders wanting to live in Gordon Brown's pioneering eco-towns face service charges of more than £500 a year on top of their annual council tax bill.

Developers in several of the 13 proposed sites are planning to levy annual charges for subsidised bus travel and management costs to be paid to a local community trust.

The disclosure coincides with government proposals, to be published tomorrow, that only one person per household in eco-towns should drive to work. Developers will be expected to provide trams, buses, trains and jobs in a town to ensure that more than half of all journeys are made by bicycle, foot or public transport. Click for more...

Eco-towns 'unlawful?'

newsThe government's approach to delivering up to 10 eco-towns could be "unlawful", councils have warned.

Ministers are to publish a planning policy statement to set out standards and potential locations in England. But the Local Government Association said the proposals went against the principle of development through plans drawn up by local authorities.

This might show a wish to avoid "proper scrutiny", it added. But the government said it "absolutely" disagreed. Click for more...

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Car stickers

Lovely car stickers are available to one and all - get them from the CAFE office, or drop one of us an email!

Monday, 21 July 2008

Putting the record straight?

Here is a condensed transcript of a letter from the Clerk of Aldingbourne Parish Council which was published in this month's "Yapton News and Views."

Putting the record straight

I have been asked by the Parish Council to write to you with regard to the proposals for an Eco-town at Ford ... it would seem evident that many people believe Aldingbourne Parish Council is connected with the proposals for an Eco-town as promoted by Ford Enterprise Hub. You will know the members of Ford Enterprise Hub... Tony Dixon, a resident in Aldingbourne Parish and former District Councillor, Harold Hall, a former County Councillor representing Aldingbourne and John Penfold, the present Chairman of Aldingbourne Parish Council.

The Parish Council would like to make it clear that it is not involved in the proposals for an Eco-town at Ford and Ford Enterprise Hub does not have the support of the Parish Council. At this point in time, the Parish Council still has an open mind and is neither for, nor against, an Eco-town at Ford.

The Council hopes this letter may help dispel the misconceptions which appear to be prevalent at the present time.

Yours etc
Lawrence Tirebuck
Clerk of Aldingbourne Parish Council ... Read the whole letter here.

Maybe I missed a meeting, but I can't see how the statements ... "The Parish Council is not involved in the proposals for an eco-town" and ...
John Penfold, the present Chairman of Aldingbourne Parish Council" ... can credibly appear on the same page!

I can foresee the argument that Mr. Penfold is conducting his campaign as a resident, rather than from his platform as Council Chairman, and - like Mr Hall - has no political or financial interest in the eco-town, but it is becoming glaringly obvious to anyone not suffering from terminal naivety that there is a strong case for conflict of interest.

It cannot go unnoticed that despite the District and Parish Councils that are affected by the eco-town proposal being unanimous in their opposition, Aldingbourne Parish Council is still -apparently- sitting on the fence!
While I applaud Mr. Tirebuck's efforts to distance members of his Parish Council from this lamentable proposal, as long as one of the main architects and enthusiastic supporters of the eco-town continues to sit in the 'Chair,' his efforts to "dispel the misconceptions" are severely lacking in credibility.

By chance, there is another letter published in the same issue from an Aldingbourne resident, (who significantly withheld their name and address), stating that ..."You have many supporters in this Parish ... it is my cherished belief that all local parishes should co-operate against the development of all greenfield sites in our neighbourhood; our strength should be in supporting each other."

If this letter demonstrates the sentiments of the majority in the parish, then perhaps it is time for Aldingboune Parish Council to assess the opinions of their local residents, act in their interest and make up its "open mind."
I would submit that, should the general consensus go against the eco-town proposal, then Mr Penfold's position as Chairman is untenable, and he should stand down.

This is probably one of the most important challenges that Arun District has ever had to face. We need to be united and unanimous in our opposition to this proposal. Any suggestion of a conflict of interest should be addressed ... and addressed quickly!

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Caroline Flint's amazing memory lapse.

I love a good mystery ... and it's a mystery to me how Ms. Flint, who is - after all - a cabinet minister, can suffer from such severe memory lapses!

The following is a question - along with her response - taken from an interview with Lucy Alexander which appeared in the Sunday times a few weeks back.

(LA)" What about the opponents of eco-towns?"

(CF) "Part of this first stage is myth-busting. Local governments were concerned that eco-towns would be added to existing housing targets. This is not the case: eco-towns will be part of the overall target."

Click here for the whole interview

Poor Caroline, how tedious it must be for her to have to deal with myths, half-truths and misrepresentations in her struggle to sell eco-towns to the nation!

So, where did this myth originate?

After days of painstaking research, secret telephone calls and numerous meetings with "deep throat" in an underground car-park, I can reveal that the source of this myth was, in fact, Ms. Flint's very own "Eco-towns - living a greener future" ...

Section 2. What are eco-towns?

3. Key criteria for eco-towns.

(i) Eco-towns must be new settlements, seperate and distinct from existing towns but well linked to them. They need to be additional to existing plans, with a minimum target of 5,000 homes.

No mystery there!

She didn't read it, she only wrote the foreword.

Ok, I know this is nit-picking, but to me this is a shining example of the double-speak, spin and general lack of credibility that have dogged this sorry government initiative from day one.

When 391,557 hits is really 7,510 visitors

In the Bognor Observer (Page 4, June 26th), there was a paragraph about visitors to the FAVG website - "In addition the website had received over 300,000 plus visits".

According to the Barton Willmore "There have now been a total of 391,557 hits on the website, which averages at 4,399 hits a day since its launch. This is equivalent to 184 per hour".

Don't be mislead by this figure, because 'hits' are not visitors. If a web page has 10 graphics on a page this would count as 11 hits for each visitor - remember a hit is not a visitor. Barton Willmore goes onto say, "In terms of numbers of individual visitors, there have been a total of 7,510 different visitors to the website, at an average of 84 visitors per day".

I would consider the 7,510 figure to be a true reflection of visitors to the FAVG site since April 23rd. However, to publically sensationalise and inflate this figure as "over 300,000 plus visits" is misleading to say the least!

Download the Barton Willmore details of website usage here (mirror)...

Ministers are told to drop most eco-towns

The number of Gordon Brown's flagship eco-towns should be slashed by two thirds because most of the proposed schemes are not green enough, senior civil servants have warned.

They have advised ministers to cut the number from 10 to only two or three "exemplar" towns, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

The civil servants from the Department of Communities and Local Government said that most of the proposals being considered by the Government were not sufficiently environmentally friendly and would be so damaging to the eco-town "brand" that they should not be allowed to go ahead.

One source close to the bidding process said: "You wonder why some of the bids were selected in the first place. Civil servants don't want to advise ministers to go ahead with projects that are going to be a catastrophe. There are two or three in there that could proceed but some of the bids are just suicidal." Click here for more...

Thursday, 17 July 2008

John Mono ( Comments )

FROM CITY TO COUNTRY SIDE... Having been born and bred in the City I can only tell this one way. From a very early age I played on concrete, the view from my bedroom window was concrete, with the odd tree planted by thoughtful developers. I had never heard the sound of a cuckoo, the hoot of an owl, the only wild life I ever saw was in the local Birmingham Museum where you gazed at stuffed animals through glass with a button you could press to hear the sound they made before greed and development consigned them to a glass case.

Growing up I moved into the music industry, endless miles of tarmac, night after night, the surreal world of recording studio's, I was in fact leading an artificial life in numerous artificial Cities around the world. At the grand old age of 51 I finally broke out of the concrete prison and moved to Yapton.

The air is clear, there are endless cornfields, I actually heard my 1st cuckoo, this time I didn’t have to press a button to hear it, for it was flying free and alive, not some exhibit in a glass case. I recently walked along corn fields blowing in the breeze, I could not believe the sound of nature, for once in my life I feel I belong, each day I marvel at the sights and sounds I should have seen and heard as a child. Now, the Government want to destroy all this. Will the cuckoo I heard the other day end up silent? On show in a glass case in a Ford Eco Town Museum of past wildlife ?

I wont let this happen, I will fight, and I will shout with my big Black Country Mouth Until We Win ! You just can’t destroy beauty in favour of ugliness

Click for John's My Space site...