Thursday, 17 July 2008

John Mono ( Comments )

FROM CITY TO COUNTRY SIDE... Having been born and bred in the City I can only tell this one way. From a very early age I played on concrete, the view from my bedroom window was concrete, with the odd tree planted by thoughtful developers. I had never heard the sound of a cuckoo, the hoot of an owl, the only wild life I ever saw was in the local Birmingham Museum where you gazed at stuffed animals through glass with a button you could press to hear the sound they made before greed and development consigned them to a glass case.

Growing up I moved into the music industry, endless miles of tarmac, night after night, the surreal world of recording studio's, I was in fact leading an artificial life in numerous artificial Cities around the world. At the grand old age of 51 I finally broke out of the concrete prison and moved to Yapton.

The air is clear, there are endless cornfields, I actually heard my 1st cuckoo, this time I didn’t have to press a button to hear it, for it was flying free and alive, not some exhibit in a glass case. I recently walked along corn fields blowing in the breeze, I could not believe the sound of nature, for once in my life I feel I belong, each day I marvel at the sights and sounds I should have seen and heard as a child. Now, the Government want to destroy all this. Will the cuckoo I heard the other day end up silent? On show in a glass case in a Ford Eco Town Museum of past wildlife ?

I wont let this happen, I will fight, and I will shout with my big Black Country Mouth Until We Win ! You just can’t destroy beauty in favour of ugliness

Click for John's My Space site...

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