Thursday, 28 May 2009

Ford eco town protestors on the DCLG's website

Good to see that the DCLG had the guts to put the videos that Vicky, myself and others recorded at their roadshow last year.

Let's hope that they watched and took note as well!


A victory for the eco town protesters at Stratford on Avon fighting the Long Marston eco town proposals.

It's interesting to read the details and compare the kind of claims that the developers there make and realise how similar they are to those made by the businesses promoting Ford eco town!

Here is their Press Release:

The credibility of plans to build an ‘eco-town’ at Long Marston have today been delivered another blow. The Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that an advertisement from the developers setting out the case was misleading on four separate counts on grounds of “truthfulness” and “substantiation”.

The ASA’s ruling comes after a complaint lodged by Mid Worcestershire MP Peter Luff about an advert taken out in a local newspaper by the developers St. Modwen and Bird Group. The advert attempted to promote the arguments for the construction of the proposed 6,000 home new town on the Worcestershire/Warwickshire border.

Peter condemned the advert as “both factually wrong and materially misleading” and highlighted the false claims, including one that the site is unused brownfield land, where in reality around two-thirds of the Worcestershire land ear-marked for development is greenfield and open countryside. In his complaint, Peter went on to challeng claims that the new town will create 4700 new jobs. He also complained about claims for the town relating to transport provision and meeting local housing need.

In its ruling, published today, the ASA upholds each of Peter’s four complaints, concluding that:

“The ad must not appear again in its current form. The claims must not be repeated unless St Modwen and The Bird Group have evidence that supports them.”

Commenting Peter said:

“I welcome the ASA’s ruling. It is of fundamental importance that the public know the truth about the impact of the proposed ‘eco-town’ at Long Marston. I am delighted that the ASA has exposed the serious shortcomings of the claims.

“An ‘eco-town’ at Long Marston would be an economic, social and environmental disaster – it must not be allowed to go ahead.

“Surely ministers will soon realise that enough is enough. I still hope that the Long Marston site will be ditched eventually, but the Government seems determined to squander more money and resources in vain attempts to keep it alive.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Eco towns to be ruled by the Bin Bullies

The Town and Country Planning Association are encouraging eco town developers to charge people for their rubbish by weight and type. So it'll be the Ford eco town and surrounding fly tipping site!
