Thursday, 31 July 2008

Challenge Team Report

This is the link (PDF), to the second report of the eco-town challenge team, who are "independently" assessing the proposals.

They say of Ford that “The proposal has been brought forward an impressive amount since the first session.”

“The amount of thinking and work that has gone into the project is appreciated.”

“Good progress, but issues still to be addressed in the areas of transport and land use.”

Where may I ask is the transparency of this thinking and work?

Other developers for the other sites publish a huge amount on their websites. FAVG have only updated their website with a 2 page re-hash of the plans (very very draft) shown at the exhibitions, and included a rather comical day in the life section about some imaginary resident of the new town.

Why are FAVG so secretive? Why aren't these proposals being developed in the full public arena?

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