The Department for Communities, & Local Government have published full sustainability appraisals on the shortlisted "Eco-town" proposals.
The one for Ford includes this little gem....
" Arundel bypass site: AONB to north. At the western end the road would
cross through 1.5km of Tortington Common Ancient Woodland and through Binstead Wood Complex SNCI. There are also protected species in this area (adder (BAP species), grass
snake (BAP species), common lizard (BAP species), and common pipistrelle The eastern section crosses the Adur, but is unlikely to affect the SSSI.
Oops - do they know where Ford is? You'd have thought the name of our local authority would give them a clue to the name of the river running beside the proposed site (that they still insist on calling an airfield)?
"Ford parkway (railway station): May be issues with watercourse, ditches and water voles, depending if footprint changes.
Residential development site: Issue with watercourses and ditches.
Industrial/commercial development site: Watercourses and protected species (great crested newt and watervoles (EA lead, BAP species).
Marina: Climping Beach SSSI and Littlehampton golf course SNCI to the south (see Ford Airfield above). Issues with protected species, flood risk, and watercourse."
Erm have I missed something???
Thought the PARKWAY station was rejected (not v green inviting 1000's of motorists from all over the coastal strip to DRIVE to the station's supposed fast and frequent rail services.
And MARINA? Isn't the riverside supposed to be wetland and greenspace? Or do they want to inflict another aesthetically challenging - oh, and very 1980's marina development on the south coast?????
Read the full sustainability appraisals here:
Ha Ha Ha Ha, i'm not really laughing, they forgot to mention the fact the last single Do Do roams free in the grounds of Arndale castle
or should that be Arundel ?
the mono one
I had a look at the document and couldn’t make head nor tale of it. Obviously written by somebody far more confident, articulate and rich than me!!!!
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