Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Financial Times - 'Ministers faced with delays in eco-towns timetable'


If this link doesn't quite work, do a search on eco towns on the FT site.

What they are saying is that the Government has hidden an announcement that the Eco Town shortlist will now be released until next year in another announcement.

'A shortlist of applicants due to be published in October will not come out until next year, it has emerged. In addition, there is evidence that ministers may be starting to row back from their target of 10 towns....Caroline Flint, housing minister, has recently begun to talk about "up to 10 eco-towns" '

No guarantees that this will hold, but it is interesting to see the weight of this kind of reporting that is now coming out.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Caroline Flint under fire in her own constituency - continued


So to continue from Mr Gummidge's pre-release mention of the Sunday Times article - here is it!

In the midst of this report on the Rossington - that's in Sheffield, Mrs Flint's own consituency - Eco Town, the following summary of the current bids appears:

"The three leading contenders are Rossington, in Flint’s Don Valley constituency; Whitehill and Bordon in Hampshire, the only scheme that is being led by the local authority; and Marston Vale, in Bedfordshire, which has significantly less local opposition than other proposals.
Other sites still considered as options are Middle Quinton, near Stratford-upon-Avon, and Weston Otmoor, in Oxfordshire. "

Unsurprisingly the Marston Vale protestors are up in arms about the implication that there is not as much opposition there as in other places. From a Ford point of view, it is interesting that The Times are now reporting Ford as one of the least likely to go ahead.

Sunday, 17 August 2008


Not blind to housing needs
Derek Waller writes: I was disappointed to learn from your report last week, Littlehampton Gazette, August 7, that the wealthy, articulate and powerful housing minister thinks that she has an exclusive right to speak on behalf of the "hidden homeless" in Arun District; what arrogance. Click here for more...

I certainly did view site
Meanwhile the indefatable Housing Minister Caroline Flint must be rattled because she writes: I WAS astonished by the article in your paper suggesting I did not go to the site of the proposed Ford eco-town during my visit last month. Click here for more...

Thanks, CAFE, for being so articulate
Mrs C. A. Cooper writes to thank CAFÉ for all the hard work they have done. Click here for more...

At least she made the effort to visit
And finally more tripe from Tony Dixon: In a district with over 4,000 households on the housing waiting list, the lowest average wage in West Sussex, 40 per cent of the workforce out-commuting every day, a serious infrastructure deficit particularly on the A27 at Arundel, below-average educational attainment etc, we should all be grateful that a government minister found the time, in the parliamentary recess, to visit the district and listen to the views of those on all sides of the eco-town debate. Click for more...