Thursday, 19 June 2008

Nothing to look and see here...

The Ford Airfield Eco-Town Circus rolled into the Look and See Centre in Littlehampton, Thursday... And it looks like it got off to a bad start...

Secret scarecrows have reported it was a non-event - those who turned up, simply hassled the marketing gofers, who were so uninformed they didn't understand the maps and couldn't identify Ford despite the word FORD being printed in bold letters!

Russell Scarecrow emailed us - very few people have shown interest in this Eco Town exhibition today - my arms are killing me after hanging around for 7 hours on watch. OK Russell - go home and have some tea and cake...

Rappercrow - Furr Q, reported that none of the three (un)wise NIMBY's were present. A gofer informed us that comments directed at Mr Hall, Mr Dixon or Mr Penfold could be passed through the comments forms. Three CHICKEN cheers for them then - BUARK, BUARK, BUARK - is the sound of the CHICKS!!!

Finally - one poor gofer described it as being the most negative work he has ever done! He pointed to the stacks of leaflets and marketing material, "There is nothing green about this Eco-Town - it is all lies and this stuff is destined for the recycling bin!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I’d known Russell Scare-Crow was going to be there I would have gone, I loved him in Gladiator! Seriously, if they’d held it in Yapton I would have been able
to I’m sure many others would....but being a non driver the time it would take for me to get to Littlehampton or Bognor on public just too much time!
But I would like to say that i do very much appreciate the efforts of our friends the Crows....Scary or not :0)