I was in Littlehampton on Saturday where I came across this house in New Road. I'm not sure why it is boarded up, but it is only yards from the award winning riverside regeneration. Housing Minister, Caroline Flint argues that we need Eco-Towns because there are housing shortages and a big demand for affordable homes. However, she doesn't understand regeneration will solve these issues far quicker.
There are currently over 660,000 empty houses in the UK, many of them could be brought up to 'eco' and livable standards. This would solve the social/affordable housing problem because we wouldn't need to build new houses, new roads or new schools and in most cases wouldn't need planning permission. However, Caroline Flint thinks it is better idea to go through a long planning process and then spend the next 10 years building these unwanted Eco-Towns - while people wait on the housing list.
These 660,000 empty houses like the one in Littlehampton just need a little imagination, something Caroline Flint lacks.
www.emptyhomes.com is an independent campaigning charity which aims to raise awareness of the potential of empty homes in England to meet housing need. They devise and promote, with others, sustainable solutions that will bring empty homes back into use.
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