Fascinating - when Housing Minister Caroline Flint did her radio interview with Spirit FM she described those against the Ford Eco-Town as being 'confident, articulate and rich'.
Maybe she was feeling less than confident about her position in that interview, as that often brings out people's hidden thoughts? But I wonder if those three words really do sum up the 2000 people who marched round the site in June to protest - all of them rich? Really, Caroline?
Or is that just how the Minister would like it to be - to see everyone disagreeing with her as being rich people, to see this as a rich vs. poor issue?
As I see it we have across the community support for the CAFE campaign. Rich and poor, black and white, employed and unemployed. Some may be some of her 'confident, articulate and rich' things, but others certainly are not.
Some are even Labour voters, Caroline! They just think that this is the wrong place to put an Eco Town.
Maybe people are rich and confident and articulate after 11 years of a Labour Government bringing Prosperity and better education? Wonder why Ms Flint didn't see it this way with a bit of positive spin?
Answer: Why not revert to good "old" labour class war when you can't argue your way out of an unwinnable position!
When a Minister resorts to the old "divide and rule" tactic, it is a sure sign that she is running out of credible arguments.
I find this encouraging.
Every interview (if you can call them that)I have seen with Ms. Flint consists of her 'trolling' out the same old party line, and shouting down the interviewer.
Now she's playing the "rich Nimby" card, painting the image of rich, idle landowners sitting in their carefully manicured gardens, drinking Pimms and drawing up plans to stave off the invasion of their rural peace and quiet by hordes of the 'hoi poloi'!
The truth is that rural residents struggle to pay their bills, feed and clothe their families and keep their(essential)cars on the road just like people who live in the towns.
The only difference is that they have chosen a rural life - with all its disadvantages!
My guess is that she feels intimidated by articulate people, as this is a skill which she sorely lacks.
My friend Martha says:
"Confident, articulate and Rich?"
... what about "intelligent?"
Caroline, my dear, there is no "I" in "democracy!"
I find that assertion rather insulting because I am nether confident, articulate or rich…. so does that mean I do not care about a new town on my doorstep?No I most certainly do care! Or is it that my opinion is of no worth to Ms Flint?! umm?
Well I am very grateful to the ‘confident & articulate people’ that give my point of view a voice and a chance at being heard!
I also have an open mind and an aversion to stereotypical judgements!
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