Saturday, 7 June 2008

Not bothered then...

Hi Mr. Gummidge,

As you can see am quite immersed in "eco stuff" this morning. There is an absolutely WONDERFUL account of the debate at Westminster on 3rd June which I think all the CAFE supporters would be delighted to read - the Right Horrible Caroline Flint-heart didn't even bother to turn up. Maybe she didn't dare. Read it here...

Kind regards, Tricia

1 comment:

keithc said...

Thank you so much for posting this link Tricia, it is a great resource and has given me a lot of insight into our elusive housing minister.

Unfortunately, after studying her debating history on not only eco-towns, but on other issues such as the war on Iraq and her prescribed blandishments on aspartame poisoning, I now have an insatiable desire to take her out to the woods and shoot her in the head.

Ho hum.....