Sunday, 8 June 2008

Caroline Flint on Newsnight

This will be available on BBC iPlayer until Friday. Get it while its hot...

1 comment:

Tony_D said...

It is time that Arun District Council countered the claims that it is not allowing enough new development with proposals on where such sustainable eco-friendly development can and will take place.
1350 homes are due to be built in Felpham, N.Bersted and Oldlands Farm. Firstly, these should be made "eco-friendly" by imposing appropriate insulation and energy usage requirements on the developers, (employing government stong-arm tactics if necessary). Secondly, these should be supplimented with other opportunities for redevelopment of brownfield sites in the area. We may not achieve the 5000 homes suggested for Ford, but it would be a positive response the problem the government supposedly faces.