Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Ford Plan

Ford have now released their plan which can bee seen below.

It really doesn't look great and the tone adopted is rather threatening, in my opinion.

Arun DC should be looking at this site as part of their Strategic Housing Sites Review not forcing it onto a Neighbourhood Plan as these do not run their Sustainability Assessments (SA) to the same level as the District should. In fact Barton Wilmore are providing the SA - tell me would the landowner's consultant find against his Client's land being suitable for development? Arun's own SA confirms that large scale housing at Ford cannot be sustainable without an Arundel Bypass, no mention of this in Ford's proposal.

If the Parish stick with their lower figures they will not be forced to take more housing but if they take on more housing, you show me developer who will not develop out every unit permitted!

  • 1,500 homes is twice the size of the new housing at Felpham. 
  • The whole new development at Bognor is 1,200 homes where a primary school and shops were promised. 
  • The school became a few portacabins added to the exiting school and the remaining school places being spread across the area. 
  • The shops have been on the market for 3 years with retailers (Co-op, One Stop, Central) rejecting the site as not having enough people to justify opening a shop. 
  • Closing the level crossing at Ford and Yapton will isolate the villages and remove contingency measures should the proposed A27 Arundel Bypass be closed due to an accident. 
  • No development should be allowed on Grade A farmland.

I do feel the residents of Ford, Arundel, Climping, Yapton and Walberton are being hoodwinked.

Please attend their open day on Saturday November 14th, 10am - 1pm, at Yapton and Ford Village Hall.

Download the PDF

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

House Creep at Ford

Whilst I appreciate that Ford PC may want 1500 homes on Yapton's boundary it does seem rather a huge proposal which I would have thought residents of Yapton should be consulted on. I also wonder whether all the residents of Ford when they agreed to small development on the fields around the airfield really thought that it would mean 1500 houses?

People from Ford, Climping and Yapton need to attend their open day on Saturday November 14th, 10am - 1pm, and see what really is happening.

Below is the letted from Ford PC:

Dear Resident,

As you will be aware Ford Parish Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish.

We previously consulted you on the plans to develop part of the airfield with a range of new facilities including a community centre. and school and up to 750 new homes. These proposals were well supported.

Since that time the Arun District Local Plan has been delayed due to the Government Inspector requiring the Council to look into options to provide additional housing to meet the identified housing need. which it had failed to do previously.

It has become apparent that Ford would likely be expected to take around 1500 new homes in the emerging new Local Plan. This is not certain but the Neighbourhood Plan team feel that it should be considered. The rationale being that the development they had designed would be damaged by a later 'add on’ of additional housing and that it would be better to pre-empt and design for it now.

To this end they are seeking your views on a new proposal to locate 1500 new homes, with community and infrastructure provision. We will also be seeking your views on how the community facilities will be provided.

An open event showcasing this will take place on the 14th November 2015 at Yapton Village Hall. It will run from 10am to 1pm.

Please do come along and tell us what you think as well as to understand more about the next steps. If you cannot make it the plans will be on the Ford PC web site from the 14th November and you can make your comments via email or in writing.

Yours faithfully

Louise Lack Ford Parish Clerk and Finance Responsible Officer

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

More greenfield land under threat!

Villagers have teamed up with MP Nick Gibb in a battle against plans to build up to 140 homes on a piece of farm land in Climping. Almost 100 residents showed their opposition to a speculative scheme to develop on land between Church Lane and Yapton Road. Read more here...

Monday, 3 August 2015

Bower and Brown face calls to resign over ‘spectacular failure’ of local plan

Senior Arun councillors face calls to resign this morning from more than 150 residents dismayed by what they say is the ‘spectacular failure’ of the district’s local plan.

An open letter signed by 159 residents urges Arun District Council leader Gill Brown and cabinet member for planning and infrastructure Ricky Bower to step down. Read more here...

EDIT: Interesting that the comments have been removed from this article - can the Littlehampton Gazette explain to their readers why?

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Updates from the Appeal

Dear Everyone

What an amazing turn out today!

Andy, John, Tricia, Julian and Mary all did the village proud. I am quite sure that the Inspector was in no doubt as to the depth and range of feeling towards this proposal. The importance of both the Neighbourhood Plan and the unique rural setting of these fields was made quite clear by both Arun's Planning consultant and the English Heritage representative. It was also good to hear the Inspector confirm that he has observed the traffic outside the school in the morning, as requested.

Tomorrow will be Mr Collin's turn to be scrutinised which will be interesting and give a good indication as to the strength of Langmead's challenge. After Mr Collin's cross examination I believe that the Inspector will conduct his site visit. He will be taken to Long Lane, just north of the A27 to see the view of the church from the South Downs and then to the site itself. I believe Andy and Tricia will be part of the party. Should you want to be present I'm not quite sure how the Inspector wants to conduct the visit so please do ask tomorrow morning.

Those with the will power please keep attending it really does help and is being commented on as a positive force, thank you.

Friday morning will be the summing up of both sides, again an important moment to get a feel of the general mood. Then it will be a bit of a wait until a decision is made.

See you tomorrow at 9.30am for the next instalment.


Monday, 6 July 2015

APPEAL 7th July - What you can do

I thought I would just let you know the expected process during the Inquiry. Proceeding start at 10am each morning with 'general housekeeping'. This is the stage/time that you can confirm that you wish to speak. The Inspector will  give a time slot for your say which should free you for most of the day. You can register any day but you will need to be there at 10am or get a friend to register you.

The more people who stand up and repeat the mantra of  'why have a Yapton Neighbourhood Plan if developers are simply allowed to by-pass it and do as they wish' the better. If you speak please ensure you mention Localism, our Neighbourhood Plan and Mr Langmead at no stage for this 100 home proposal consulting or engaging with the community at grassroots level or at anytime during the Neighbourhood Plan process. Then of course the real issues for many of us the loss of valuable open space and the erosion of village identity plus irreversibly removing the Grade 1 listed building vital setting etc.

Could I ask if you do attend the Inquiry you put any comment/observation/etc onto our facebook page  This will help keep us and our supporters all up to date with how things are progressing and whether things are looking positive for us.

This really is the last push, after the Inquiry we will all need write one last but very important letter, this time to Greg Clarke to ensure he dismisses the appeal and lets the community decide its future rather than an absentee landlord. Emails or letters should be sent to:

Or post to:
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Department for Communities and Local Government,
2 Marsham Street,

Remember to copy in our local MP Nick Gibb

If you can't attend the Inquiry don't worry but DO WRITE to Greg Clarke and make sure all your friends do, after all he promoted Neighbourhood Plans so he should enforce them.

Thank you again for all your help and support.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Too Little Too Late

The Littlehampton Gazette reports that MP Nick Herbert has appealed to have the Government s Planning Inspectorate abolished. You can read more here.

Too little too late Mr Herbert - the floodgates opened when Y/81/10 was appealed!