Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Ford Plan

Ford have now released their plan which can bee seen below.

It really doesn't look great and the tone adopted is rather threatening, in my opinion.

Arun DC should be looking at this site as part of their Strategic Housing Sites Review not forcing it onto a Neighbourhood Plan as these do not run their Sustainability Assessments (SA) to the same level as the District should. In fact Barton Wilmore are providing the SA - tell me would the landowner's consultant find against his Client's land being suitable for development? Arun's own SA confirms that large scale housing at Ford cannot be sustainable without an Arundel Bypass, no mention of this in Ford's proposal.

If the Parish stick with their lower figures they will not be forced to take more housing but if they take on more housing, you show me developer who will not develop out every unit permitted!

  • 1,500 homes is twice the size of the new housing at Felpham. 
  • The whole new development at Bognor is 1,200 homes where a primary school and shops were promised. 
  • The school became a few portacabins added to the exiting school and the remaining school places being spread across the area. 
  • The shops have been on the market for 3 years with retailers (Co-op, One Stop, Central) rejecting the site as not having enough people to justify opening a shop. 
  • Closing the level crossing at Ford and Yapton will isolate the villages and remove contingency measures should the proposed A27 Arundel Bypass be closed due to an accident. 
  • No development should be allowed on Grade A farmland.

I do feel the residents of Ford, Arundel, Climping, Yapton and Walberton are being hoodwinked.

Please attend their open day on Saturday November 14th, 10am - 1pm, at Yapton and Ford Village Hall.

Download the PDF

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