Monday, 6 July 2015

APPEAL 7th July - What you can do

I thought I would just let you know the expected process during the Inquiry. Proceeding start at 10am each morning with 'general housekeeping'. This is the stage/time that you can confirm that you wish to speak. The Inspector will  give a time slot for your say which should free you for most of the day. You can register any day but you will need to be there at 10am or get a friend to register you.

The more people who stand up and repeat the mantra of  'why have a Yapton Neighbourhood Plan if developers are simply allowed to by-pass it and do as they wish' the better. If you speak please ensure you mention Localism, our Neighbourhood Plan and Mr Langmead at no stage for this 100 home proposal consulting or engaging with the community at grassroots level or at anytime during the Neighbourhood Plan process. Then of course the real issues for many of us the loss of valuable open space and the erosion of village identity plus irreversibly removing the Grade 1 listed building vital setting etc.

Could I ask if you do attend the Inquiry you put any comment/observation/etc onto our facebook page  This will help keep us and our supporters all up to date with how things are progressing and whether things are looking positive for us.

This really is the last push, after the Inquiry we will all need write one last but very important letter, this time to Greg Clarke to ensure he dismisses the appeal and lets the community decide its future rather than an absentee landlord. Emails or letters should be sent to:

Or post to:
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Department for Communities and Local Government,
2 Marsham Street,

Remember to copy in our local MP Nick Gibb

If you can't attend the Inquiry don't worry but DO WRITE to Greg Clarke and make sure all your friends do, after all he promoted Neighbourhood Plans so he should enforce them.

Thank you again for all your help and support.

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