Thursday, 16 July 2009

We did it!!!

Have read it through very, very quickly and there is no mention I can spot of a 'B list' attached to the Planning Policy Statement. Just Appendix A with the four sites.

I think we can chalk this up as a victory for local protests, marches, meetings, dropping leaflets round in the rain, putting all that effort in to countermand the developers' claims and the government spin.

Well done to everyone involved.

1 comment:

Darrell Gale said...


But be warned - expect a planning application from the money grabbing developers, landowners and the "Aldingbourne 3" for a development just to spite us! They ain't spent all that money on flashy brochures, artists impressions, transport and other expensive consultants without wanting to see some return on their investment (including time and hot air from the 3 old windbags).

Best thing to do is to work with the Parish councils and Arun for a locally agreed and sustainable planning policy for the lower Arun Valley including Ford. There is still a danger of much innappropriate development at this site - look at how the road to the recycling site has been laid out! Clearly with further development in mind!

Anyhow - I'm not wanting to rain on the parade - for what is really a victory of common sense over the greed and self-interest of the few!