Thursday, 29 May 2008

People united against Ford Eco-Town

I did a leaflet drop for the Protest March on June 7th today and it was really great to see people supporting the campaign against Ford Eco-Town. There are plenty of posters in windows, car stickers and homemade banners being made. When I asked people if they were coming on the march - "OH YES", and "We're going to make it into a BIG party!", was some of the enthusiastic responses.

Astonishingly, I came across one misguided chap who supported the idea. I felt very sorry for him because he clearly had not researched or read anything about this proposal and is in a minority like the people proposing this outrageous fantasy called an Eco Town...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things are gathering pace with a lot more posters appearing each day - only one week to go till we can show the world how strongly we feel!!!