Wednesday, 8 July 2009


The Homes and Communities Agency Academy publishes a lovely expensive looking proposal to establish what looks to me like a new academic discipline of Eco Town Studies. The proposal for an "Eco-towns learning capacity building programme" to "build skills amongst those professionals that are necessary for the sucessful development of eco-towns" looks like a lovely future career path for people currently working at the Homes and Communities Agency Academy.

At a time when both main political parties are promising a 'bonfire of the Qangos', it seems extraordinary to me that one such unelected body should come out and stake a claim to forge yet more links, Qangos, study groups, stakeholder groups, learning agents, seminar programmes - and of course some lovely publically funded study trips to attractive European destinations. And all based on building stupid new towns on green fields.

And of course they will see themselves as the future - lumping us together as sceptics who are insufficiently committed to change!

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