It hasn't been an easy start to 2009 for Mr G... My Father died January 4th after a five year battle against cancer... Sorting out the numerous complications that relate to such an event can then take away a month of your life, hence me being away from the fray...
So, I welcomed the first day of February with the customary 'pinch punch' that Mrs G and I have become accustomed to... However, just as your straw filled friend is starting to get some renewed perspective on life - the credit crunch spangs me full on!
Mr G's employers, a global publishing company based in Sussex decides I am no longer needed and gives me the elbow!
Hmmm... I wonder what I will do with all this time... I feel a book coming on... Eco Towns for Dummies?
nglyPlease accept my sincere condolences Mr G.
So sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost my Mum last September, so I know how much time it takes to do all the duties, and still find a space to grieve.
Good luck to you on the employment front, although I'm sure that a chap of your talents won't remain idle for long.
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