Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Yapton Parish Council decision

At its AGM last night, Yapton Parish Council decided that they would be writing to object to the proposed Eco Town. With the exception of the Chairman, who abstained so that he could participate at District level in the decision and therefore said that he would not take a position on the issue, the Council were UNANIMOUS that they were opposed to the Eco Town.

They said that Yapton did not need that many houses - there are only 40 people on the housing waiting list for the Ford, Yapton and Climping area - and yet the proposal includes 2000 'affordable homes'. They said that the traffic is already appalling in the area and that the developers will provide no additional infrastruture until 2000 houses were built. They saw many other negatives and NO positives - the council will now prepare their response in line with that decision.

The PC's decision was welcomed by the many local residents from Yapton and other villages who attended the meeting to find out the situation and raise their concerns about these proposals.

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