Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The fight is on!


Outline application for 10.5 hectares of residential development (comprising up to 250 dwellings (30% to be affordable) together with ancillary open space and landscaping),14.9 hectares of public open space development to be laid out as public parkland and landscaped green corridors,vehicular access from Ford Lane (The means of access) - This is a Departure from the Development Plan.

For details click here

Get involved in

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Goodbye Olive Branch!

Such a shame that the Olive Branch in Yapton has closed again and is up for sale. It would be a bigger tragedy for the village if the property is re-developed for housing as suggested on the Savills PDF details.

In my opinion the building needs a major refurbishment inside and out. It should be renamed and rebranded as a village pub / coffeeshop / restaurant. Convert the beer garden to a contemporary glass covered dining area so food and drinks can be served all year round. There is so much potential for creating a welcoming comfortable place that appeals to people young and old.

Keeping the Olive Branch would be far better for the village than another property development - it's not like we need anymore houses!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Yapton homes for sale in Arundel!

Slightly disappointed that Charles Church didn't check where Yapton actually is before putting details on their website. According to their webpage the ironically named Emerald Gardens is in Arundel. I guess they're slightly confused because we have the Arundel title and post code in our addresses.

I may suggest they invest in a dictionary too!

Monday, 9 September 2013


There will be a public meeting at Yapton and Ford Village hall on Friday 27th September at 6.30pm to discuss the St Mary's Park development proposal. This will an opportunity for residents to express their concerns to MP Nick Gibb.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Y/81/10 is now Y/48/13

Just to update you on the Charles Church application for 173 houses north of Burndell Road in Yapton Village.

There has been some revision to the plans, which can be viewed and commented on here.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Here come the developers

Received a letter this morning informing me and probably most of Yapton Village about a forthcoming public exhibition for residential and public open space development on land to the North of Church Lane.

The exhibition will take place on Monday August 5th, from 3.15 - 7.30pm at Yapton and Ford Village Hall.

Here we go again...

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Public Right of Way

Hello again...

It appears someone wishes to block the Public Right of Way with a rather intrusive fence on the land behind Goodhew Close, Downview Way and Fordwater Gardens. They have also destroyed some of the natural hedges!

If you are concerned about this please use Public Rights of Way feedback form the details below to inform WSCC of this matter.

Parish: Yapton / Ford
Path Number: 200/2
Route from: Yapton / Ford

One important concern to raise with WSCC is that Emergency Services will have difficulty gaining access to the site should there be a fire or accident.