Thursday, 26 June 2008

Porky Pies

It's very apparent from reading the FAVG's website that they regard their proposed funding of the Arundel by-pass as a key selling-point, and they miss no opportunity to emphasise this.

Here's a list, it's a bit repetitive but soldier on, as the point will become clear:

"The redevelopment of Ford airfield would help to bring about the early delivery of the Arundel A27 by-pass through providing a substantial financial contribution."

"The redevelopment of Ford airfield would also help, through providing a substantial financial contribution to bring about an early delivery of an Arundel A27 by-pass."

"The redevelopment of Ford airfield would allow for significant financial contributions toward the funding of an Arundel A27 by-pass to help alleviate the traffic congestion and also make provision for other associated local road infrastructure."

"The proposals would improve infrastructure in the area, including contributing toward the improvement of the A27."

"Ford airfield Eco-town presents a fantastic opportunity for Arun to have an exemplar project that will be zero carbon, providing much needed new homes, new jobs and new social infrastructure, including a major funding contribution towards an Arundel by-pass."

"The Eco-town is planned to help provide funds and the early delivery of an Arundel A27 by-pass."

"The Eco-town is planned to help the early delivery of an Arundel A27 by-pass."

OK, definitely the 'hard sell', but now for the the interesting bit.

Here's an extract from .....

Notes and recommendations
from session 1 of Eco-town challenge.

"Funding the proposed Arundel A27 by-pass should be abandoned, as it is not consistent with sustainable principles."

Time to clean up your website chaps or you could be accused of misrepresentation, or of being deliberately misleading, or even ... of telling porky pies!

UPDATE 28/6/08

I've just read the "Terms and Conditions" on the Ford Eco-town website, and it seems that they ..."cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, omissions, or errors" ....!
That's some disclaimer!

Surely it should be incumbent on the people proposing a development of this magnitude to give an honest and truthful presentation, rather than create a convenient 'get-out' clause in order to fabricate with impunity.
Presumably, if this monstrosity gets built, and it turns out to be a flooded commuter town with no facilities and a traffic gridlock, they can smile and say ... "Well, if you look at the small print ..."


Mr Gummidge said...

Harold HA27LL will not like that!!!

keithc said...

I'm sure he won't Mr Gummidge, as I am firmly convinced that the reason that he supports the eco town is primarily to get the by-pass built.

He wants to cut down his journey time from Warningcamp to Arundel to get his morning paper.